The NHS provides most health care to most people free of charge but there are exceptions. Charges are made because the service is not covered by the NHS. We only accept cash and cheques at the practice before any non-nhs work is undertaken. Please contact the practice for an updated list of prices and our appointment availability.
Examples include the following:
- Accident/sickness certificates for insurance purposes
- School fee and holiday insurance purposes/private prescriptions for travel purpose
- Private sick notes
- Vaccination certificates
Examples of non NHS services that GP's are UNABLE to complete:
- Fit to fly letters
- Fit to compete in certain/extreme sports
- Fit to scuba dive
It has recently come to our attention that local schools have changed their toilet access policy to state that a Doctor's note should be provided in order to allow the provision of a 'toilet pass' to pupils. Access to safe, timely and appropriate personal hygiene is considered to be essential to human dignity. As such, this surgery will not be providing notes for pupils as it is not possible for us to take on additional non-funded work. We are also not prepared to charge the children or their families for paperwork to allow them basic dignity.